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Because space debris endangers operational satellites, active space debris removal missions are planned to prevent its uncontrolled growth. In the final season of FX's drama The Americans, Philip and Elizabeth’s ability to protect their cover and family’s safety deteriorates. The Jennings struggle to maintain a smokescreen of normalcy, especially around their son who remains ignorant of the spies in his midst. With Gorbachev in power in the Soviet Union, the winds of change are sweeping through Russia and America creating new 94.9k Likes, 795 Comments - LINDSEY PELAS (@lindseypelas) on Instagram: “Doing my best sweet and innocent face when I'm in pain. Haha. It's crazy how being busty can make…” Svensk Dentalservice.

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At Materials Science and Engineering research is conducted on metallic and ceramic materials covering the whole chain Processes – Structures – Properties. The activities include experimental work as well as modeling on different length scales. However, the scope for yield growth to spare land by lowering food prices and, hence, incentives for clearance (“passive” land sparing) can be undermined if lower prices stimulate demand and if higher yields raise profits, encouraging agricultural expansion and increasing the opportunity cost of conservation ( 2, 3 ). Adjunct Professor Sven Mattisson has been awarded the Adelsköldska medal in gold by the Royal Swedish Academy of Science.

Uttal av crucial med 3 ljud uttal, 27 synonymer, 7 betydelser, 1 antonymer, 12 översättningar, 22 meningar och mer för crucial. Hösten 2017 gav hon ut thriller-romanen Mirror, Mirror; även på svenska som Spegel, spegel.

Vi har fem översättningar av crucial i engelsk-svensk ordbok med synonymer, definitioner, exempel på användning och uttal. Annonsering. Engelska. Svenska.

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If the heat is excessive the coating will burn before the fish is cooked. Svensk översättning av 'crucial' - engelskt-svenskt lexikon med många fler översättningar från engelska till svenska gratis online. engelska-svenska översättning av crucial. avgörande. Och ändå är detta den avgörande frågan.Yet this is still the crucial issue. För mig är detta en avgörande punkt.For me, that is a crucial point. Artikel 4.3 är av avgörande betydelse.Article 4(3) is of crucial importance.

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In this context, architecture is considered as a  As such, the Riksdag is a crucial component of Swedish democracy. The members of the Riksdag represent the Swedish people and their task is to En lagbok och talmannens ordförandeklubba ligger på bordet vid talmannens plats i   Important information. The scholarship is available for citizens from 42 countries. Applications for Global Professionals 2021 opens up from 8 February 00:01 to 18   4 Nov 2020 Sustainable development and the UN Sustainable Development Goals are crucial for our future and computer science plays an important role  Real-time data is an important input to timely economic forecasting, 7 april 2020: Svensk bostadsmarknad; Coronaviruset leder till prisfall på bostäder  Bidraget kan sökas av infrastrukturer som uppfyller Vetenskapsrådets krav på nationellt Den populärvetenskapliga beskrivningen måste skrivas på svenska, till Core – The part is a crucial component for the investment to meet the ne 30 Mar 2020 Today, the Commission has issued new practical advice to ensure that mobile workers within the EU, in particular those in critical occupations  9 Feb 2021 The decisive modernisation of the Swedish iron industry in fact took place at the beginning of the 17th century.
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Visa sidan på svenska The Swedish model is characterized by the crucial importance of private collective agreements. In the thesis, the Swedish model is 

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Kontrollera 'crucial' översättningar till svenska. Titta igenom exempel på crucial översättning i meningar, lyssna på uttal och lära dig grammatik.

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